Reserves Workflow Method

Choose how you will use the Reserves managed workflow

Select Reserves Workflow Method

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Setup ribbon, select Method.

Studio OP's managed reserves workflow can be approached in one of two ways:

  • You can generate your own mining blocks based on an input model, topography, phase, strata and bench definitions or;
  • You can import existing block volumes, either created by Studio OP or another product/method.

If you choose to generate your own mining blocks, your project's strata (optional), phases and benches will need defining, in addition to a pit, topography and model. In this case, you will be able to access all of the interactive design and block reserves generation tools that Studio has to offer.

If you choose to import blocks, much of the reserves workflow tasks on the Setup, Design and Reserves ribbons will be disabled as it is no longer relevant. This method lets you import block data (using the Import task), evaluate your imported blocks and schedule them (either using manual or automatic scheduler functions). You will still be able to access all Studio OP functionality unrelated to mining block generation.

More about importing blocks...

Selecting a workflow method fixes your current project into a mode that will determine downstream functions. To do this, it is necessary to reset your working database.

You can change your method after initial selection, but doing so will invalidate you project data so far. This means:

  • If changing from the "Generate Blocks Method" to the "Import Blocks Method", all data apart from the defined model, pit definition and topography will be deleted before the new mode is set. This will automatically disable all tasks associated with block/pit design and generation on the Setup, Design and Reserves ribbons. The Import task, however, becomes enabled.
  • If changing from the "Import Blocks Method" to the "Generate Blocks Method", all imported data will be removed from your project before the new mode is set, apart from the defined model, pit definition and topography. In this case, all block/pit generation tasks become active. The Import task becomes disabled.

If you wish to change your reserves workflow method, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of your project first.


Because of the potential impact on existing data, you must confirm your choice before you can proceed.

The workflow method is set per-project; it is not possible to choose one method for one pit, and a different method for another.

Reserves Workflow Tasks by Method

The following table displays the managed reserves workflow task accessibility for each of the available methods:



Generate Blocks Method

Import Blocks Method

Setup Ribbon


Surface Topo

Define Method

Define Model

Validate Model

Model Attributes

Import Blocks


Define Phases


Define Strata


Define Benches


Design Ribbon

Define Slopes


Shell Contours


Ramp Layout


Auto Design


Reserves Ribbon

Add DTMs


Create Solids


Strata Solids


Bench Solids




Auto (Blocks)


Manual (Blocks)


Block Attributes



Reserves Attributes

Spatial Dependencies


Data From Model

Create Data Set


Other tasks and commands not listed above will be available to both reserves workflow methods.

Field Details:

This task asks you to choose the method you wish to use for defining mining blocks:

Design the mining blocks yourself: this enables the "Generate Blocks Method" as described above; you will have access to all interactive block generation tasks and commands.

Import the mining blocks from an existing file: this enables the "Import Blocks Method" as described above; you will be able to access mine block import functions and evaluation/sequencing tasks only.

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The Reserves Workflow